Category: Dental Implants

Are missing teeth reducing your quality of life?

Losing your teeth can seriously affect your quality of life, causing issues with eating or speaking, as well as affecting your appearance. If the smile you see in the mirror is not the one you would like, you can feel less than confident. Gaps in your mouth can also lead to instability for your remaining teeth, as they can drift. They are also harder to clean, which can lead to gum disease, bad breath and even the loss of remaining teeth. If you have avoided considering replacements because you do not like the idea of dentures, then you may be interested in an effective technique available from Greenside Dental Care near Mirfield. Dental implants offer a secure, permanent solution to missing teeth.

Dental Implants near MirfieldWhat should I expect?

When you have your first appointment regarding dental implants near Mirfield we will talk to you about what you want to achieve, take information about you and provide you with a suggested treatment plan and an estimate of costs. Your implants are small metal screws that are inserted into the jaw under local anaesthetic. When they are stabilised by the bones and blood vessels of the jaw healing around them, they can be used as a secure base for a single replacement tooth, several teeth or a full set of dentures.

Why are dental implants so popular?

At our practice near Mirfield, dental implants are valued because they look, feel and function just like natural teeth. Your appearance will be restored and you can live fully again. While you can enjoy your new teeth, there are also other advantages that you may not be aware of. When you bite and chew, the pressure exerted on your jaw stimulates the bones and tissues, keeping them strong. This does not happen when there are gaps or you wear dentures but implants perform the same role as natural tooth roots and keep your jaw healthy. So, while you are enjoying biting into that crunchy apple or savouring a juicy steak, you are actually contributing to the health of your jaw.

To find out how having dental implants near Mirfield could give you a new lease of life, get in touch with us today.

Life beyond missing teeth

If you have lost teeth, you may feel self-conscious about your smile. You may also have noticed that your face is starting to sag because it is not getting the support it used to from a full set of teeth. People lose their teeth for different reasons. Age, accidents or underlying health issues can all result in gaps in your mouth. Gaps can be unsightly as well as causing problems with everyday activities, such as eating and speaking. Sometimes dentures can be unsatisfactory but there are alternatives. For patients at Greenside Dental Care near Mirfield, dental implants are a stable, permanent solution that fits into their lifestyle.

Dental Implants near MirfieldHow do dental implants work?

The implants function in the same way as natural tooth roots. They consist of small metal screws that are fitted into jaw during a minor surgical procedure. During the healing process, the bones and blood vessels mesh around them to hold them in place. When they are stable, they can be used as a secure base for a single replacement tooth, several teeth or a whole set of dentures. You will need to care for your replacement teeth in the same way as natural teeth but, if you do, having dental implants near Mirfield can be an effective, long-term restoration that can last several decades.

What are the advantages?

The most obvious benefit is a great smile, but because implants replace natural teeth roots, you will find that you hardly notice that you have them. Your new teeth are carefully made to match the tone and shape of existing teeth so your improved appearance will be very natural. Patients who have had dental implants near Mirfield find that their replacement teeth are secure so they can talk without fear of dentures falling out and enjoy a full range of food again. Having dental implants near Mirfield also improves the strength of your jaw as they stimulate the bone in the same way as a natural tooth root. This prevents the shrinkage that can occur in people who wear dentures.

Find out how having dental implants near Mirfield has benefitted hundreds of people and get in touch with us today to find out how we can help.

Dental implants: a once only restoration solution

If you have lost one, several, most or even all of your teeth, what you really want is a way to permanently replace them, and not have to get the replacement replaced every few years. Near Mirfield, dental implants are becoming increasingly popular for this very reason. Once they are in, they’re in and you should never have to get new replacements.

Dental implants near Mirfield have a 98% success rate and should last you for the rest of your life. This is because they are made of highly durable materials such as titanium and porcelain, both of which have decades of use in them and are able to withstand the powerful forces created by chewing. In fact, dental implants near Mirfield can withstand multi-directional forces of up to 200lbs or 97kg. That’s more chew than the average adult male can muster.

Dental Implants near MirfieldOne of the reasons why dental implants can withstand the powerful forces created by chewing is the way they fuse with the jawbone. This is the titanium part of the implants. Titanium is used to make the tiny posts that are inserted into your jawbone to mimic your lost tooth root. Titanium has this incredible ability to fuse with your bone. It does so by somehow encouraging the bone to grow new tissue and blood vessels all over it, and this new bone tissue locks on and holds the implant in place.

Your newly strengthened jawbone will keep your face looking younger for longer too. This is because without something in your jawbone making tiny vibrations through the hundreds of tiny impacts that go on all day between your teeth, the bone starts to dissolve itself in a process called resorption. After a while, you end up with a tiny jawbone, and a sunken face that makes you look old before your time. It’s not a pretty look.

But, to get back to durability. If you have dentures, your jawbone will resorb. As it becomes narrower, your once beautifully fitting dentures become loose and wobbly, and you will need to get them relined. You can also expect to have to replace them every five to eight years. Bridges will also need to be replaced every few years.

Do you dislike your smile?

Has your smile lost its gleam? Does it need a makeover? Maybe it is time for you to take that next step to achieve that perfect smile you have always dreamt of with dental implants near Mirfield.

It is often expected or believed that your natural teeth are designed to last a lifetime. Sometimes, this just isn’t the case due to various reasons. For many years, we have looked for alternative options when our teeth let us down.

Well, here at Greenside Dental Care Mirfield, dental implants could be just what you are looking for to create a smile to be proud of.

Dental Implants Near MirfieldWhat are dental implants?

Dental implants comprise titanium screws that are placed directly into the bone of the jaw. This is designed to replace not only a single tooth but multiple teeth if required. Over a period of healing known as ‘ossesointergration’ the titanium screws fuse seamlessly to the jawbone.

This modern technology has been used for over 30 years and is ever evolving; creating the most pain-free and comfortable dental implant procedure for our patients.

Benefits of dental implants

We can offer you a huge array of benefits at Greenside Dental Care Mirfield. Dental Implants are becoming ever more popular with our patients as the availability and convenience improve; which, in turn, reduces the price for all.

Dental implants are the closest alternative to our natural teeth. This is not only in appearance, but they also fit and function like the teeth we always wanted.

Dental Implants near Mirfield are built to last. Our dental implants could last a lifetime. With just some periodic adjustments and regular trips to our surgery, dental implants could give you the long lasting smile you long for.

Not only will your teeth feel renewed, but dental implants allow the natural shape of your face to reappear. You may not have noticed the sag that can appear with missing teeth, but a short course of treatment from us, using dental implants, will reinvigorate and replenish your sunken face to its former gleaming glory.

Give us a call today; you deserve the best smile possible.

Bring on the apples!

The trouble with losing your teeth is that you lose your chewing ability. Yes, you might be ok to keep on eating the same good, healthy foods if you’ve only lost a couple of teeth, but the more you lose the harder it becomes to eat tough, bitty or chewy foods, and your diet becomes more and more comprised of soft foods that do not require chewing.

That’s alright for a while (if you love soup and ice cream!), but after a while your body will start to suffer if you are not getting the nutrition you require from a balanced and healthy diet. That’s where dental implants near Mirfield come in.

Dental Implants near MirfieldAt Greenside Dental Care near Mirfield, dental implants give you back the wide range of foods you need to stay healthy. They are the only tooth replacement solution that restores the root as well as the crown of your teeth.

The root is the firm anchor with which you chew; it stops the crowns wobbling around, as you no doubt remember from when your baby teeth were falling out all those years ago.

Other tooth restoration solutions, such as dentures and bridges, almost always require a change in diet. Chewy foods, such as toffees and gloopy spreads, will stick to them. Bitty foods, such as nuts, end up stuck between the plate and your mouth. Tough and crunchy foods are hard to bite into without leaving your teeth behind (never a good look).

Dental implants get around these embarrassments and inconveniences by giving you a firm chewing anchor that can withstand multi-directional forces of up to 97kg or 200lbs. That should be enough for any toffee apple or sirloin steak.

To have dental implants near Mirfield fitted, you will need to undergo a small surgical procedure to insert the implants into artificially created sockets in your jawbone. You do not need to have one implant for each tooth lost. One implant can support up to three teeth. Or, if you have lost all your teeth, you can have the whole lot replaced using between only four and six implants per jaw.

Am I a candidate?

Most adults with missing teeth are suitable candidates for dental implants. That said, certain uncontrolled medical conditions may decrease the effectiveness of your dental implants near Mirfield; so, if you are considering having implants, you must discuss your full medical history with your dentist at Greenside Dental Care. As each patient requires a bespoke treatment process, only a highly-trained dentist can determine the best treatment plan designed specifically for you. Your dentist will explain the benefits and risks to see if dental implants are right for you at your initial consultation for your dental implants near Mirfield.

Dental Implants near MirfieldWhat will happen without treatment?

Without finding a reliable solution for your missing teeth, your jawbone will begin to shrink from lack of stimulation that the teeth provide. Because of this, losing your teeth will affect your smile and change the shape of your face, causing you to look prematurely wrinkled and aged.

Are implants painful?

Dental implants near Mirfield are typically placed under local anesthesia and most treatments can be completed in our practice quickly and efficiently. Some of our patients may require simple over-the-counter pain relief after their dental implant procedure, just to ease any slight aches you may experience post-surgery.

How long does it take to place dental implants?

In our modern, technologically advanced dental age, dental implants near Mirfield can be placed in as little as just 30 to 60 minutes, depending on the location and the number of implants required.

How soon can I go back to work?

At Greenside Dental Care, we recommend you can return to work the next day unless otherwise instructed by your dentist. You may still be taking medication to alleviate any minor discomfort you may have, but nothing that should stop you from going about your daily life.

When will I get my new teeth?

Treatment times vary from patient to patient. Typically, we will provide you with a form of temporary teeth until your dental implants have had time to integrate fully with the jawbone. Your dentist at Greenside Dental Care will provide an accurate estimate based on your treatment needs at your first consultation for dental implants near Mirfield.

Dental implants for missing teeth

Having gaps between your teeth can be a major confidence killer and often people with this issue will be wary of smiling and laughing. Dental implants near Mirfield are an effective solution to this problem. At Greenside Dental Care, we pride ourselves on providing our patients with a smooth and satisfying treatment so they can regain their confidence and be able to smile and laugh again.

Dental Implants near MirfieldHow are dental implants fitted?

Dental implants have become increasingly popular in recent years, thanks to new materials and placement techniques that have made them much more versatile. This is because they provide a fully functional tooth restoration. Having implants fitted requires minor oral surgery under local anaesthetic, during which special channels are drilled into the jawbone into which the implants are inserted. This is not a particularly painful procedure, and you will be numbed for it. If, however, the idea of it makes you anxious, you can receive sedation. This way you can be fully relaxed for the procedure, and yet still able to respond to the dentist. You may find it hard to remember the procedure afterwards. On that note, it is important to understand the parts and treatment process for dental implants.

There are three component parts to dental implants at Greenside Dental Care: the implant, the abutment, and the crown. The implant is a titanium screw that is placed in your gum. An internal screw called an abutment is fitted into this and the artificial teeth attached to it, either as single crowns, bridges of a few teeth or entire arches. As for the treatment procedure, there are three main stages. Firstly, under mild anaesthetics our dentist will insert an implant into your gum. After that begins the healing stage where new bone tissues grows around and meshes with the implants. Finally, once the implant has stabilised within the jawbone, our dentists will place your new custom-made crown(s) onto the implants. Overall this process can take up to six months depending on how quickly your jawbone meshes with implants.

What will happen?

Our practice, Greenside Dental Care near Mirfield can provide patients with the chance of regaining lost teeth and lost confidence due to injury or health problems.

Dental implant treatment

Dental implants are a popular method for replacing missing teeth. People tend to lose their teeth either through injury or through gum disease caused by poor oral healthcare Having gaps in your mouth can lead to a decline in confidence and you may find yourself smiling and laughing less.

At Greenside Dental Care near Mirfield, dental implants are an increasingly popular way for our highly-experienced dentists can resolve your missing teeth problems. Having dental implants fitted can be quite a long journey, and it is important to understand what you are committing to before you begin.

Dental Implants near MirfieldDental implants or dentures?

Dentures are the traditional and still popular treatment for restoring missing teeth. They are false teeth that work by fitting over the gums. Like dental implants, dentures can come as a set of teeth or individually to replace a single tooth. However, unlike dental implants, most dentures are made of acrylic and need to be removed for cleaning and to rest the gums. When you choose dentures, your will carefully measure your arches and gums so that they can provide teeth that will fit snugly over the gums. In order to maintain the durability of dentures they need to be regularly cleaned to ensure they stay germ free.

On the other hand, getting dental implants near Mirfield will require a lengthier treatment period. This is because a surgical procedure where titanium screws are inserted into your gums must take place first, after which a time of healing is necessary before the replacement teeth can be fixed onto the screws. Therefore, at Greenside Dental Care near Mirfield, dental implant treatments may take up to six months. Dental implants have a high success rate of over 98% and are expected to last a lifetime. Dentures need replacing every few years. The replacement factor is an important one to consider when comparing the costs of implants versus dentures.

Your decision

Dental implants and dentures each have their pros and cons. Before you patients can choose one or the other, our dentists will check on the health of your gums and bones to determine whether they can handle implants. Regardless of which treatment you go with, both will fulfil their purpose of replacing missing teeth and giving the confidence to smile and laugh happily.

Single tooth replacement with dental implants near Mirfield

You may be taking very good care of your teeth, but sometimes accidents happen. Whether the result of trauma, injury or oral disease, tooth loss can be a very stressful experience for many people. Nonetheless, replacing a missing or failing tooth with a single-tooth implant has many advantages over other tooth replacement options such as bridges.

Dental Implants near MirfieldAt Greenside Dental Care near Mirfield, dental implants are our treatment of choice when it comes to replacing missing teeth. In most cases, the treatment is very quick, virtually pain-free, and the recovery is normally simple and straightforward. Once your implant has fused into your jawbone, it will become an essential structural component of your mouth along with the rest of your natural teeth.

How does it work?

The replacement of a single missing tooth with a dental implant, is often completed over multiple visits to our dental practice near Mirfield. During your consultation appointment, we will carefully examine your teeth and gums and ask you questions about your dental and medical history. Our dentists will determine whether dental implants are a viable solution for you and discuss your treatment options.

Placement of the dental implant requires a minor operation, during which a small titanium post will be inserted into your jawbone. You do not have to be left with a visible gap during any stage of your treatment, therefore we will discuss your options for filling the gap with a temporary crown. Once the site of the surgery has healed and the dental implant has integrated into the jawbone, we will proceed with the placement of the permanent crown. The final outcome will be a replacement tooth that looks, feels and functions exactly like your natural teeth.

Benefits of dental implants

Unlike other types of tooth replacement, such as bridges and dentures, that have a limited life span, dental implants can last a lifetime if they are properly placed and cared for. More importantly, dental implants prevent bone deterioration and encourage the growth of new bone tissue, simply be replacing your natural tooth roots. Finally, dental implants reduce the danger of gum disease developed by food bacteria developed in the gap created by a missing tooth.

Get in touch

To learn more about dental implants near Mirfield, contact us today.

Denture stabilisation with dental implants near Mirfield

Have you lost all of your natural teeth? If you have lost most of your teeth and you’ve had enough of loose and uncomfortable dentures, denture stabilisation with dental implants near Mirfield may be the ideal solution for you. At Greenside Dental Care, denture stabilisation is achieved through a series of dental implants, on to which a permanent denture can be attached.

Dental implants are small titanium posts, which are essentially artificial replacements for natural tooth roots. They are surgically fixed into the jawbone and because titanium is compatible with the human body, they gradually integrate into the bone tissue. Unlike other tooth replacement options that merely sit on the teeth and gums, dental implants become an integral part of the jawbone and encourage the growth of new bone tissue.

Dental Implants near MirfieldDisadvantages of traditional dentures

Although removable dentures have been used for centuries to replace missing teeth, many long-term denture wearers find that they tend to become loose and wobbly over time. Ill-fitting dentures compromise their ability to bite and chew properly and often embarrass them in social situations.

This happens because conventional dentures just sit on the jawbone and do not prevent its gradual shrinkage and deterioration. Gradually, the soft tissues of the mouth decrease in volume, and the dentures need more frequent adjustment or even replacement.

Implant-supported dentures

Dental implants, on the other hand, help to overcome these problems because they are fixed permanently into your jawbone and prevent bone loss. Our experienced dentists will attach your existing (or new) dentures on top of two to four dental implants strategically placed into your jawbone. Your dentures will attach firmly on the dental implants but will still be removable – your dentist will show you how to take them out and clean them. Unlike conventional dentures, implant-supported dentures do not have to be removed during the night.

For patients who have already lost a significant part of their jawbone, we are able to provide bone grafting at our Mirfield practice. This will help you restore the density of your jawbone and guarantee the success of your dental implants. To experience a more comfortable tooth replacement treatment with dental implants near Mirfield, contact the friendly staff at Greenside Dental Care today.